08552 974971-0 anfrage@thinktec.bayern

Register now and benefit from the potentials of additive manufacturing

Digital manufacturing is advancing at a rapid pace, and HP’s Multijet Fusion technology has quickly established itself as a force to be reckoned with in this area.

Together with our partner HP Inc., we offer Online Training for Multijet Fusion (MJF) Technology to learn the details and possibilities of this technology.

You will learn in 6 workshops of 2 hours each:

  • Preparation of data for MJF technology
  • Design guidelines for your components
  • Adding colours & textures
  • Tips & Tricks Topology Optimisation & Post-Process
  • Assembly design and lattice structures for special materials
  • Cost optimisation for MJF components and media applications
  • Component optimisation for MJF and component identification

We offer the workshop at the special price of €180 per participant.
After participation, you will receive a confirmation of participation from the HP 3D Academy. The training will be held in German.

The next course in German will be held “live” in week 24/25. Start the first workshop: 8 June 2020
Even if you don’t have time on that date, you can view the courses in the HP Academy whenever you want and as often as you want for the next few months.

If you have any questions, simply contact us. It is an advantage if you know the basic functionality of MJF before the workshop. We will be happy to support you in this as well.

Please send the completed order form to: info@thinktec.bayern

Registration deadline: 03/06/2020

Components from the thinkTEC 3D sample case “3D case”