08552 974971-0 anfrage@thinktec.bayern

Really important

Quality assurance

Quality assurance

A must for your and our success

Quality assurance is a high priority for us.

Each print job is monitored using various quality assurance measures. This includes, for example, checking the dimensional tolerances using measuring equipment or performing tensile tests to determine mechanical properties.

Also, initial sample inspection reports can be created with us or initial sample inspections can be carried out according to VDA.

In order to ensure that no material fatigue or defects occur during series production, you can have endurance tests for mechanical components carried out in-house. 

For more information, please contact us.

thinkTEC services

How does we use additive manufacturing and what additional services do we offer?

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thinkTEC GmbH | thinkTEC 3D GmbH

Elsenthal 51
94481 Grafenau

Tel.: +49 (0) 8552 974971 – 0
E-mail: anfrage@thinktec.bayern